After Naraku's death, Kagome is sucked into a Meidou and transported inside the Shikon Jewel, where she experiences an illusion in which she lives out her normal life. InuYasha cuts his own Meido and leaps in to rescue her, but is delayed by the soul of Magatsuhi, the demon trapped in eternal combat against the priestess Midoriko's soul inside the jewel. Once Kagome sees through the illusion, the Shikon Jewel appears before her and tempts her with the chance to wish that none of the past events had ever happened. Magatsuhi reveals to InuYasha that, as a part of an eternal cycle of conflict, if Kagome was to perform a selfish wish on the jewel, her soul would be damned to fight the demons inside the jewel until the next miko over, with Naraku's soul replacing Magatsuhi. InuYasha refuses to believe the demon's assurances that Kagome will doom herself to that fate, and continues to fight him to reach her before it is too late.

However, then InuYasha finally defeated Naraku and Magatsuhi inside the Shikon no Tama and arrives in the Meidou outside the jewel to save her, Kagome makes the wish for the jewel to disappear and it does. Afterwards, Kagome returns to the modern era for three years and returns at the age of 18 after her high school graduation. When she returns, she is reunited with InuYasha and marries him. Sango and Miroku are married with three children at the time. Rin is living with Kaede in the village, while Kohaku (now free from Naraku's control) continues his demon slayer training and work with Kirara. Kagome also learns that Shippo is studying to become a better fox demon.
Inuyasha Kagome
Inuyasha Kagome
I shouldn't have read this. I'm only at episode 102! But nice! Makes me look forward to it!