Dumbo is a 1941 animated feature film produced by Walt Disney and first released on October 23, 1941 by RKO Radio Pictures. The fourth film in the Walt Disney Animated Classics, Dumbo is based upon a child's book of the same name by Helen Aberson and illustrated by Harold Perl. The main character is Jumbo Jr., a semi-anthropomorphic elephant who is cruelly nicknamed Dumbo. He is ridiculed for his big ears, but in fact he is capable of flying by using them as wings.
Throughout most of the film, his only true friend aside from his mother is the mouse Timothy, parodying the stereotypical animosity between mice and elephants. Dumbo was made to make up for the damages of Pinocchio and Fantasia. The film has been criticized as being racist (the leader crow in the film was named "Jim Crow" and the name stuck), yet is also considered to be one of Disney's finest films. It was a deliberate pursuit of simplicity and economy for the Disney studio, is now generally regarded as a classic of animation. The film tells the story of a baby elephant named "Dumbo', who can fly with his huge ears. At 64 minutes, it is one of Disney's shortest animated features.
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