Akane Tendo is a fictional character in Rumiko Takahashi's anime and manga series Ranma ½.
She is the youngest of Soun Tendo's three daughters and one of the heirs to the Anything Goes School of Martial Arts.
Akane is the Japanese word for madder (Rubia cordifolia), as well as the crimson dye obtained from it. It is a common Japanese name.
Akane's mother died when she was very young. Perhaps because of this, she appears not to have learned many traditionally feminine skills, and her terrible cooking is a running joke during the series. Akane may see her sister Kasumi as a surrogate mother figure, since she helps her with more traditionally feminine chores.
AkaneAkane grows up as a tomboy, getting into fights, acting tough, and improving her martial arts. In elementary school, her classmates thought she was so much like a boy that she was cast to play Romeo in their production of Romeo and Juliet; Akane accepts the role and plays a very cute Romeo, though deep down she always wanted to be cast as Juliet, a wish that she'll have fulfilled only years later (though she would have four different Romeos fighting for her).
AkaneAt the beginning of the series Akane had a crush on Dr. Tofu Ono, who patched her up many times when she got into fights. Unfortunately for Akane, Dr. Tofu is besotted with her older sister Kasumi. In an attempt to get his attention, Akane grew out her hair longer like Kasumi's. However during one of the first fights between Ranma and Ryoga, her hair is cut, a look she retains for the rest of the series.
She is the youngest of Soun Tendo's three daughters and one of the heirs to the Anything Goes School of Martial Arts.
Akane is the Japanese word for madder (Rubia cordifolia), as well as the crimson dye obtained from it. It is a common Japanese name.
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