Ultimate X-Men is a superhero comic book series published by Marvel Comics since 2001. The series is a modernized re-imagining of Marvel's long-running X-Men comic book franchise as part of its Ultimate Marvel imprint. The Ultimate X-Men exist alongside other revamped Marvel characters in Ultimate Marvel titles including Ultimate Spider-Man, The Ultimate Fantastic Four, and The Ultimates.

The protagonists are the X-Men, a group of mutants whose unusual genetics grant them super powers. This sets them apart from the rest of humanity. They are led by Professor Charles Xavier, the world's most powerful telepath. Readers familiar with the original X-Men may recognize many familiar characters and storylines. However, Ultimate X-Men almost completely ignores supernatural or mystical elements as plot devices. The X-Men have no secret identities, and the mutants are mistrusted and hunted down.

Ultimate X MenThe series began in 2001 under writer Mark Millar and artist Adam Kubert. As of May 2008, it is currently written by Aron Coleite and penciled by Mark Brooks. The February solicits indicate that the series will be cancelled after issue 100.
Ultimate X Men
Ultimate X Men
Ultimate X Men
Ultimate X Men